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Items in the Useable Items Panel of Beacons Use Wrong TexturesMCPE-94146
Items in command completion screen are all displayed as stone blocksMCPE-85747
Ghasts Spawn only at low light levels. Ghast Farms broken.MCPE-81987
Rails aren't always powered correctlyMCPE-81258
TNT activates when a redstone torch is placed on the side of the blockMCPE-81106
Gravity affected blocks break when piston/sticky piston retractsMCPE-80555
Hopper with container above is able to collect dropped itemsMCPE-80543
Bee nests can generate without a tree from a saplingMCPE-80156
Mending doesn't always consume Experience if a player wears a full set of repaired mending armor whilst repairing an item with mendingMCPE-78400
Dragon Egg disappears if placed on pedestal and Ender Dragon is revivedMCPE-76213
Music gets interrupted when player submerges into waterMCPE-75252
Ghast fireballs destroy basaltMCPE-71995
4x4 Spuce tree podzol generation issueMCPE-70782
Cured villagers offer too big of a trading discountMCPE-66967
Snow Golem don’t give pumpkin back when shearedMCPE-65535
Name tags don't work on anythingMCPE-64039
Experience orbs sink in waterMCPE-62080
Villager changing Professions after being traded with/leveledMCPE-58322
Bees don't leave their nest/hive in the Nether and End dimensionsMCPE-56876
Compass does not point to spawn when riding in a boatMCPE-54617
smelted items (prior to 1.13) still contain the incorrect damage valueMCPE-54256
A single unenchanted tool can be disenchanted in the grindstoneMCPE-51067
Piston heads can go through the height limit of Y=256MCPE-44918
Dolphins don't go towards water when they are dryingMCPE-41879
Vexes are slow and not aggressive enoughMCPE-37825
Pistons can extend in the voidMCPE-36463
Bubble column water only flows by one blockMCPE-34409
Monsters dont spawn in thunderstorms at dayMCPE-25845
Renamed boats lose name after breaking
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