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Mangrove Leaves has a chance to drop itself without Silk TouchMCPE-156282
Protection enchantment reduces the damage taken from a Sonic Boom attackMCPE-156084
"Campground" structures are neither loading nor generating in Ancient CitiesMCPE-156074
Decorative sculk vein patches are still clamped to generating below Y 20 in the Deep DarkMCPE-155864
Emotes hides hudMCPE-155821
Non-full blocks that aren't solid can block the Warden from spawningMCPE-155606
Mangrove roots take a long time to break with axeMCPE-155528
Mangrove propagule invisible when placed in flower potMCPE-155365
4 stripped mangrove logs craft into mangrove woodMCPE-155232
Player's hitbox will not update after dyingMCPE-154161
Using a fishing rod through a Nether or End portal crashes the gameMCPE-153956
Sculk Sensor doesn't detect movement over small blocksMCPE-153916
Cannot place any overworld vegetation on muddy mangrove rootsMCPE-153864
Water fog distance takes too long to start increasingMCPE-153815
Sculk sensor wool occlusion has directional biasMCPE-153808
Mangrove planks cannot be used to repair wooden tools/weaponsMCPE-153791
Warden can be spawned underwaterMCPE-153789
When creating a new world, the alert while enabling experimental features is misplacedMCPE-153786
Mangrove leaves broken with Silk Touch do not stack with those broken without Silk TouchMCPE-153710
Muddy Mangrove Roots breaks faster using the axe instead of the shovelMCPE-153504
Extra health from health boost disappears after logging off worldMCPE-144870
Command Tp(Teleport) work unexpectedMCPE-138583
(Java Parity) Sweet Berries can not be put on Rooted DirtMCPE-136467
XP is no longer generated when smelting armor or tools into gold or iron nuggetsMCPE-119407
Marketplace community ratings don't add up to 100%MCPE-118539
Other players in multiplayer/splitscreen hold shield, trident, crossbow, and spyglass incorrectlyMCPE-98305
Using the "campfire" tag for recipes in add-ons also applies for Soul Campfires, even though there is a separate “soul_campfire” tag for themMCPE-82395
Nether Wood cannot repair wooden tools in an anvilMCPE-74974
Villagers and wandering traders don't flee from zoglinsMCPE-65705
Sleeping position in split-screen Multiplayer is weirdMCPE-64630
Withers don't break obsidian when attackedMCPE-44605
Wandering trader does not drink milk to clear invisibilityMCPE-34773
Health_boost effect resetting extra health if on repeat
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