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using a spawn egg to spawn villagers causes game to crash.MCPE-19412
Milking cow with only 1 bucket destroys bucketMCPE-19410
Dyeing sheep when playing Multiplayer causes host to crashMCPE-19341
End Portal Block Is Obtainable With Creative and Has 'Update' TextureMCPE-19340
Tamed horses following a player w food will not walk up blocksMCPE-19269
When I try to download the music, the game crashesMCPE-19251
/locate command does not work to find StrongholdMCPE-19211
Can't reflect wither skull/head at the witherMCPE-19174
Wither has strange behavior when flyingMCPE-19155
Lingering Potions used to craft tipped arrows are wrongMCPE-19103
Mobs become invulnerable when applied with invisibility potionMCPE-18673
Fps drop drastically even in 8 chunksMCPE-18394
Naturally-generated chorus plants can generate through end citiesMCPE-18298
When we hold or put a pumpkin on the head it looks bigger than normalMCPE-18235
Wither does not look at his target while attackingMCPE-17967
Skeletons/strays are not afraid of wolvesMCPE-17732
Add-Ons: The Vanilla Resource/Behaviour Packs - the iPad doesn't prompt to open the packs with MinecraftMCPE-17510
Crash after accepting and downloading resource/texture pack from a worldMCPE-17473
horse feeding missing and tame animation also missingMCPE-17136
When you spawn any mobs, they do not produce sound.MCPE-17012
Give Skull Command BugMCPE-14968
Skeletons riders spawningMCPE-13983
Delay of repeaters can be ignored in some casesMCPE-10101
Entities bounce when walking onto soul sandMCPE-9344
Feed pigMCPE-7575
Mooshroom Bowl DuplicationMCPE-7292
Enderman, Slimes, Wolfs and Silverfish have no soundMCPE-1982
Mobs can escape enclosures and sometimes suffocate through walls.MCPE-606
Sugar cane generates through structures
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