Resolution: Fixed
1.15.2, 20w18a, 20w20b, 1.16 Pre-release 5, 1.16.1, 1.16.2 Pre-release 1, 1.16.2, 1.16.3, 1.16.4 Pre-release 1, 1.16.4, 20w45a, 20w46a, 20w48a, 20w49a, 20w51a, 21w03a, 1.16.5, 21w10a, 21w11a, 21w15a, 21w16a, 21w19a, 1.17 Pre-release 1, 1.17, 1.17.1
The bug
If a score callback corresponding to /execute store (result|success) score <targets> <objective> contains targets with 41 or more characters, it throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException while executing the chained callbacks.
This causes the remaining callbacks not to be executed.
How to reproduce
/scoreboard objectives add mc-182362 dummy
/execute store success score a mc-182362 store success score _________________________________________ mc-182362 store success score b mc-182362 run me *
An unexpected error occurred trying to execute that command (The player name '_________________________________________' is too long!)
/scoreboard players get a mc-182362
a has 1 [mc-182362], the callback corresponding to /execute store success score a mc-182362 is successfully executed.
/scoreboard players get b mc-182362
Can't get value of mc-182362 for b; none is set, the callback corresponding to /execute store success score b mc-182362 is not executed.
Code analysis
Scoreboard#getOrCreatePlayerScore throws IllegalArgumentException iff target.length() > 40 at runtime. This breaks the callback chain created by CALLBACK_CHAINER.
// net.minecraft.server.commands.ExecuteCommand private static CommandSourceStack storeValue(CommandSourceStack source, Collection<String> targets, Objective objective, boolean result) { Scoreboard scoreboard = source.getServer().getScoreboard(); return source.withCallback((c, s, r) -> { for (String target : targets) { Score score = scoreboard.getOrCreatePlayerScore(target, objective); int count = result ? r : (s ? 1 : 0); score.setScore(count); } }, CALLBACK_CHAINER); }