Resolution: Duplicate
1.21.51 Hotfix
Hello, I've been playing Minecraft on my Android phone for about 3.5 years. Everything worked good and quickly. I have two worlds that I play with the same seed, one is survival mode and the second is creative. The SEED: -2076590404
I have explored and mapped around 8000² blocks in my survival world. All updates have always worked correctly so far and when new biomes were added, they were where they were supposed to be according to “Chunkbase”, so I get help from time to time.
Since the latest update, strange water chunks have been appearing in both worlds that were not there before. A cube of water in the middle of the landscape looks totally stupid.
I wanted to find the new biome and have the beautiful wood for my home in the survival world, but the coordinates of Chunk Base x2006,z-1636 only lead me to the dark forest of was as always. I just noticed that every now and then there was only half a tree standing there, as if it had been cut off with a knife. Wasn't there before either.
Then I went looking in my creative world and there wasn't a pale forest there either, only at coordinates x-5386, z4633.
What's even crazier: the trail chamber at creativ world is at the correct coordinates x169, -25, Z: -407
In the survival world there are none far and wide. I researched this by making a copy of both worlds and looking at the surrounding area in spectator mode.
I hope you can fix the error.
Best regards
- duplicates
MCPE-189996 Updating the world causes some loaded unchanged chunks to regenerate incorrectly
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