Resolution: Fixed
- Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, 1.16.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.10, 1.16.21, 1.16.20, 1.16.40 Hotfix, Beta, 1.16.100, 1.16.101 Hotfix
All known issues that were identified prior to the 1.16.100 release have now been migrated into the full game release. Therefore, this ticket has been resolved.
If you are having performance problems in 1.16.200 and later, they will have different causes and therefore need to be reported on a new ticket. Please search for a matching ticket before creating a new one. A sample search URL is provided below.
Search for "performance" in 1.16.200 and later
After using this search, you can modify the parameters to use additional or other words besides "performance" between the quotes.
Chunk loading is slow, and can be random. The slow chunk loading can cause problems when flying with elytra or flying around in creative mode, this makes it very hard to traverse the world, as you are constantly hitting void walls. It has been reported on all platforms.Â
Note: Void walls occur at around 2 chunks out of actually rendered chunks, not right at the border of an unrendered/unloaded chunk, and also block lag can also be a major problem, even at any simulation distance, especially on larger worlds and during autosaving.
Chunks load slowly, this can be seen when entering a world on Nintendo Switch. Also occurs when flying in creative or using an elytra, causing you to hit invisible vertical walls in the unloaded chunks (looking like the void), hampering the gameplay experience. In addition to this, when you land at an area with lighting or shadows (eg: trees, torches), sometimes the lighting can look dark and unloaded, and you must wait a few minutes for the lighting to load in a return to normal.
This has been tested on Nintendo Switch and Windows 10 so far, but has also been reported on iOS, Android, Xbox One, realms and servers.
Host (Nintendo Switch)
Large 120MB survival world: SINGLEPLAYER chunks not loading.mp4
Fresh new worlds: SINGLEPLAYER chunks Not Loading Far.mp4 SINGLEPLAYER chunks loading slowly.mp4
SINGLEPLAYER chunks loading slowly 2.mp4
Multiplayer (Affects both host more than client)
This did not occur before v1.16.0 (the multiplayer client issue), so this update may be the problematic area.
Additionally, in v1.16.0, more issues with chunk loading were introduced in multiplayer, when more people are in your world, neither you or them could load chunks if you fly far enough, this could usually happen if the players were apart or in different dimensions. Before v1.16.0, these issues were less severe. The more players in the world, the more severe the issue is. Made less worse in v1.16.20 and v1.16.40, but can still occur during autosaving.
The problem occurs when autosaving starts, a variety of things can occur with the severity depending on your world size and simulation distance:
Block lag, chunks not loading (causing empty voids), lighting not loading, entity and mob jittering/lag.
Table for my large world
Simulation Distance | Severity |
4 chunks | Low, can be slightly noticed |
6 chunks | Can be extreme, depends on the duration of autosaving |
8 chunks | Can be extreme, depends on the duration of autosaving |
The duration of the autosaving also contributes to the severity of the lag, if the autosaving is short (less than 10 seconds) barely any lag happens, but if the autosaving is lengthy (1+ minutes) lots of lag occurs.
This occurs for all platforms (I've tested Windows 10 and Switch, other duplicate reports coming from iOS, Android, Xbox One, realms and servers), no matter who the host is (if applicable).
Host (Nintendo Switch)
That same large 120MB survival world (tested at 14 chunk render distance, 4 and 6 and 8 chunk simulation distance): MULTIPLAYER host nether chunks slow whilst mining.mp4 MULTIPLAYER host nether chunks slow loading.mp4
MULTIPLAYER host chunks loading slowly.mp4
MULTIPLAYER host chunks loading slowly 2.mp4
MULTIPLAYER host broken slow chunks and lighting not loading.mp4
three player.mp4
Client (Windows 10)
That same large 120MB survival world (also tested at 14 chunk render distance, 4 and 6 and 8 chunk simulation distance): MULTIPLAYER client not loading chunks.mp4
Additional Information
The multiplayer client slow chunk loading seems to occur with more severity on large worlds, no matter where in the world you are (being tested on a survival world being a size of 120MB), on smaller fresh worlds, you can fly out apart from each other as far as you want with chunks loading faster. Lighting errors more often on larger worlds.
Changing graphical settings (fancy graphics, skies and render distance) doesn't seem to make a difference but (see below)
Edit: These problems are slightly less severe with simulation distance set to 4 chunks (instead of 6, 8 or higher), but ultimately the game is still hard to play.
Here is the link to the 120MB survival world a lot of these tests were based around if you want to test more: Achievement Get Copy
- is cloned by
MCPE-120971 Delayed chunk and block loading
- Reopened
- is duplicated by
BDS-7182 Chunks aren't loading in fast enough while flying
- Resolved
BDS-10315 Loading chunk bug
- Resolved
MCPE-67742 World Chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-67970 Chunks Not Loading
- Resolved
MCPE-73646 Sometimes chunks don't load properly
- Resolved
MCPE-80272 Doesn't load chunks correctly
- Resolved
MCPE-82079 Chunks Not Rendering when Travelling
- Resolved
MCPE-82330 Chunks loading slowly
- Resolved
MCPE-84825 nintendo switch does not render loaded chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-84855 Lag on my survival world
- Resolved
MCPE-85041 Chunks not loading
- Resolved
MCPE-85120 Slow World rendering
- Resolved
MCPE-85227 Chunk not load
- Resolved
MCPE-85696 Major lag spikes when loading chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-85933 Fast elytra flight may cause you to get stuck in midair
- Resolved
MCPE-86430 Game lags when using elytra
- Resolved
MCPE-86540 loading chunks are slower
- Resolved
MCPE-87005 Nether Update made game significantly slower
- Resolved
MCPE-87444 Lag when moving field of view when chunks are loading
- Resolved
MCPE-87672 Falling through the world
- Resolved
MCPE-87673 when using an elytra world chunks wont load
- Resolved
MCPE-87716 Chunk generation
- Resolved
MCPE-88598 Game freezing(lag) in the rendering of the world after update 1.16
- Resolved
MCPE-89415 Chunks of the world are struggling to load ever since the nether update
- Resolved
MCPE-89431 Chunk loading Issues
- Resolved
MCPE-89515 World chunks don't render fast enough
- Resolved
MCPE-90176 Minecraft iOS is super laggy and choppy after the 1.16 hot fix
- Resolved
MCPE-90838 the chunks load slow
- Resolved
MCPE-91352 Elytra flying frame drop on mc bedrock relms
- Resolved
MCPE-92054 Chunk loading is slow
- Resolved
MCPE-92389 Generating chunks or chunks of terrain is going pretty bad on Nintendo switch
- Resolved
MCPE-93263 Lighting does not load after sleeping
- Resolved
MCPE-93446 Irritating Chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-93943 World Generating slow
- Resolved
MCPE-94109 Lighting Bug
- Resolved
MCPE-97193 Chunks won’t load efficiently on switch
- Resolved
MCPE-98363 Error unloaded chunk
- Resolved
MCPE-99717 Chunk loading bug
- Resolved
MCPE-100248 Bad load of the chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-101092 Again bad load of chunks and bad optimizations
- Resolved
MCPE-101326 Minecraft Pocket Edition Big Lag Problem
- Resolved
MCPE-101346 loading too heavy chunk At
- Resolved
MCPE-101636 Chunks won't load propaly at high distances
- Resolved
MCPE-101719 Very slow generating new chunks while exploring.
- Resolved
MCPE-103196 Rendering problem in worlds.
- Resolved
MCPE-103721 Again Chunk Problem
- Resolved
MCPE-104214 Very Slow Chunk Loading In Beta
- Resolved
MCPE-104325 bad load of chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-104586 Chunk Rendering incredibly slow on beta
- Resolved
MCPE-104888 Worlds take a long time to enter and chunks take a long time to load
- Resolved
MCPE-104896 Chunks Need A Lot Of Time To Load
- Resolved
MCPE-105489 The Game was Laging when try to fly
- Resolved
MCPE-105900 Chunk loading/ rendering terrains
- Resolved
MCPE-106028 chunk failure
- Resolved
MCPE-106276 Bad rendering in the new official 1.16.100
- Resolved
MCPE-106332 Lag
- Resolved
MCPE-106402 Chunks are loading very slow after 1.16.100 update
- Resolved
MCPE-106495 My world won't load chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-106519 Chunks loading a very long time
- Resolved
MCPE-106541 Android bug chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-106607 Loading of chunks , worlds take long time
- Resolved
MCPE-106813 Chunk loading problem
- Resolved
MCPE-106876 Chunks problem
- Resolved
MCPE-106896 Chunks not loading fast as I see it
- Resolved
MCPE-107083 The Chunk Generation Loader In Single Player World
- Resolved
MCPE-107156 Render Problem
- Resolved
MCPE-107294 Does not load the terrain
- Resolved
MCPE-107377 Long loading times
- Resolved
MCPE-107457 Poor Chunk Loading on Android
- Resolved
MCPE-107476 Rendering issue on nintendo switch
- Resolved
MCPE-107757 severe lag after updating to 1.16.100 (released November 2020)
- Resolved
MCPE-107840 The rendering for a chunk in minecraft is slower
- Resolved
MCPE-107856 Chunk loading is slow
- Resolved
MCPE-107880 White piece Of Chunk
- Resolved
MCPE-107954 Chunks not loading.
- Resolved
MCPE-108014 In 1.16.100 and 1.16.101 , the world rendering got very bad and i can't speedrun while the world is not even rendering correctly so hope you all fix this problem
- Resolved
MCPE-108063 Chunks bug
- Resolved
MCPE-108129 Black Vision
- Resolved
MCPE-108150 World generation/ loading chunks
- Resolved
MCPE-108187 Long loading screen
- Resolved
MCPE-108265 Chunks Loads Slowly
- Resolved
MCPE-108268 When i'm creating a new world some of the chunks are generating slow
- Resolved
MCPE-108533 Minecraft chunk loading is slow
- Resolved
MCPE-108663 ground turns see through
- Resolved
MCPE-108671 World not loading
- Resolved
MCPE-108743 Technical Issue #3
- Resolved
MCPE-108924 chunks don't load in fast enoughf
- Resolved
MCPE-109103 HUGE chunks of my Minecraft world take a long time to load and it is starting to get really annoying. Please help.
- Resolved
MCPE-109126 Chunks will not load for more than 1 minute
- Resolved
MCPE-109176 1.16.100 caused lag on world generation with mobile
- Resolved
MCPE-109287 Chunks/blocks are slow to load, even with no resource pack
- Resolved
REALMS-6052 Chunks Not Loading
- Resolved
REALMS-6225 Minecraft Jurassic World map is not loading when riding in the minecart
- Resolved
- relates to
MCPE-19308 World chunk generation/rendering is slow and extremely laggy at times.
- Resolved
REALMS-4642 Unplayable lag since 1.16 update
- Resolved
MCPE-74696 The Nether Update brings unbelievable lag
- Open
MCPE-105892 Block Lag and Sound Lag
- Resolved